Category Archives for Social

The Worldwide Spread of Fads


Even today when the internet seems to shorten the time it takes a fad to spread worldwide, there still exists a delay.


Overlay a world map with the timeline of fads’ spread. Show how and when it arrived and became a trend in each country.

Icons made by Freepik


November 19, 2016

Online Cigar or Pipe Smoking Party


A fun way to enjoy a cigar or a new pipe tobacco together with others.


Arrange for a time and a specific cigar or pipe tobacco that everyone participating smokes, and an online chat so everyone can discuss the experience with text audio and video.

Icons made by Freepik


November 2, 2016

Social Media Bot for Brands


There are multiple platforms used to communicate with a brand, and in many, there is an expectation of immediate reaction.


A bot that replies intelligently to messages by analyzing the message, then responding with a short explanation this is so you know we’re on it, and if possible some concrete answer.

Icons made by Freepik


October 20, 2016

Share Your Analog Past With Your Friends


Just because the old pictures you find are prints and are not available digitally, doesn’t mean you can’t share them immediately with your friends.


Simply take a picture of the printed picture and share with your friends on Facebook, or send by email. The objective is sharing and reminiscing, not the quality of the image. An app could also be created specifically for nostalgia picture between friends, but it might be redundant.

Icons made by Freepik


October 10, 2016

Make Your Cigarette and Other Tobacco Product’s Box a More Pleasant One


Nowadays when most governments seem to think we are all idiots, and it’s their job to protect us from our foolishness, we see more and more products with warnings on them. This is very much so with tobacco products.


Print and distribute stickers the size of these warnings so that we can not just have a more attractive box than the one the government think we should see, but also support the cause of protecting our right to live our lives as we please.

Icons made by Freepik


September 23, 2016