Category Archives for Social

Neighborhood Smokers Club


It’s difficult nowadays if you are a smoker, especially if you smoke cigars or a pipe.


Create a smoker’s club in your neighborhood. Have fix dates when you can meet (each time at someone else’s place, or rent a local place for the night), smoke, talk and enjoy you smoking hobby.

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September 21, 2016

Organize Borrowing of Books for Family and Friends


Many already do it. You borrow a book recommended by a family member or friend. It might be useful to have a central and organized place for this.


Use existing platforms (like Facebook Groups) to create a closed private group. Invite your close friends and family members to join, and start recommending and lending books you read to each other. A special platform can also be built, with all the functionality to complement this activity (showing book details automatically, cheap shipping options etc.)

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September 5, 2016