Category Archives for Tools

Help Getting Bicycles off The Roof Top Car Rack


It’s not easy lifting the bikes on and of the car’s roof top rack.


Have a folding elastic track that can unfold on top of the car’s front and onto the ground. You guide the bike onto the track in front of the car and push it up the car front and onto the roof top rack.

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November 17, 2016

Where in the World Were You?


See the history of your movements in the world.


An app that only does two things: regularly register where you are in the world, and show this history on a map.

Icons made by Freepik


November 17, 2016

Multiple Passwords for Better Protection


Even if you have a good password for your computer or an online service, it can still be compromised by physical (someone watches you) or technical (key logger) means.


Build a mechanism that allows you to specify two or more passwords for the same account (making sure all of them are good and hard to crack.) Each time you can use any of them except the last one you used. This way if you have been compromised the password thief will still not be able to log in. If you use 3 or more passwords, it will be even safer.

Icons made by Freepik


November 16, 2016

Alert on Article Update Without Opting In


You have read an article, and there is an update or correction.


Use a cookie to identify the visitor, and alert them while they are next visiting your website about articles they have read and have been updated so that they can see the correction.

Icons made by Freepik


November 15, 2016

Clarification Service for Online Articles and Posts


You read an article about someone, and you don’t know if it’s true or even if they asked for a reaction from the people or companies mentioned in the article. Or maybe you are one of the people mentioned there, and you want to give another point of view.


A service that does the following:
1. Using web browser extension or plugin, any visitor can immediately see any reaction made by anyone mentioned in that article.
2. These are either gathered online by the service (from Twitter, Facebook, etc.), or the persons themselves – after being verified – have written them directly into the system. Only people mentioned and verified can react.
3. Every new reaction is also automatically distributed by the service to its own channels on the web, Twitter, Facebook, etc., and also other outlets.

Icons made by Freepik


November 15, 2016
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