Category Archives for Tools

Learn to Draw Interactivity


If you would like to learn how to draw.


A tablet app that teaches you how to draw and gives you feedback based on your drawings done in the app.

Icons made by Freepik


January 11, 2017

Different Colored Bags for Trash Chore Rotation


A simple way to make trash chore rotation easy.


Package trash bags in repeated color sequences (2, 3, 4 or more colors), like red, green, blue, red, green, blue, etc. This way a household can assign a color to each of the family members doing chores, and everybody will know when it’s their turn to take out the trash based on the color of the bag.

Icons made by Freepik


January 10, 2017

See the Best Moments of a Movie or TV Show


See what others think are the best moments.


Add a function when streaming online movies and TV shows that allows the viewer to mark a scene or a short moment in time as great. Aggregate these and show the best moments of each show or movie.

Icons made by Freepik


January 9, 2017

Know if You Can Watch the DVD Online


You are at the store and see a DVD you would like to watch, but maybe it’s already available online for you through your subscription (Netflix, Hulu, etc.)


An app that lets you take a quick snap of the DVD’s cover and shows you where it’s available for streaming online.

Icons made by Freepik


January 6, 2017

Video and Audio Recording Activated by Light Collision for Parked Cars


You left you car parked and when you were gone someone collided with your car and left it damaged.


A 360 degrees camera that activates when your car is still and something hits it. A short video is recorded showing everything around your vehicle to be able to identify the other party causing this. Video and audio are immediately streamed/uploaded to an online secure server.

Icons made by Freepik


January 2, 2017