Category Archives for Tools

Help Your Kids Know What’s Best to Avoid Online


You either try to control what your kids can access online (but you can’t control every device they might use), or you trust them to know. Why not help them do the right thing?!


A browser extension that does not block specific types of sites (pornographic, unsuitable horror, etc.) but instead shows the child a message saying something like “this is probably not suitable for you because it contains … You can go ahead and browse the site, but I suggest you don’t. It’s your decision, and I trust you to make the right one.” He can then choose whether to leave or stay.

Icons made by Freepik


December 24, 2016

One Click Online Actions From Offline Advertising


Enable the use of QR codes to perform actual online actions like liking a Facebook page, requesting a coupon, or even quickly ordering a product or service.


A two part solution. The first part is a text-based command protocol that can be embedded in any QR code containing the action to be taken. The second part is a special QR code app that understands these commands and uses the scanned command in conjunction with existing data on the smartphone (Facebook account, phone number, credit card, email address, etc.) to execute the command with one fast QR code scan.

Icons made by Freepik


December 23, 2016

Where Are the Kids Already?


Get alerts when your kids are supposed to be home but are late.


A family function of the calendar app that takes into consideration their schedule (times, places and modes of transportation) and alerts you when they are supposed to be home already.

Icons made by Freepik


December 23, 2016
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