A more congruent and less jittery experience for the user.
When clicking on the ad, an overlay with the landing page opens on the spot, without the user being redirected to a new page.
Attention grabbing and immersive ads could help conversions.
Ads that react to the user by immersing them in a virtual reality. From a simple 360 degrees photo or video to full immersion if the user is wearing the right gear.
So anyone can see what ads are being used successfully and model new ads based on them.
Software that scans the web and publishes a free list of ads. Each ad show all variant found over time and how long they were used.
It’s better if they articulate the reasons for themselves.
Have an ad that says something like this: “On a scale of 1 to 10, one meaning not at all, ten meaning right now, how ready are you to get help doubling your income?” They click on the scale in the ad. That takes them to a landing page with only another question showing: “Ok, you picked 3. Why didn’t you choose a lower number?” (dynamically exchange the number for their chosen one.) Have a field where they can write their answer.
After they submit their answer, you reveal the sales letter portion of the landing page. At this stage they already articulated to themselves why are they are at least a little bit interested in what you want to offer.
If they picked 1, the question should be: “Ok, you chose 1. What can we do to make you a 2?” You then just collect the answers, (and if you can also their email address), and analyze them to see what more you can do.
Now you are trying to get as much information as you can about me, and I am trying to block and obscure that information.
Have a single repository where we “meet.” You show me all the information you have on me, and why it is for my benefit to letting you use it, and I’ll allow you unblocked access to me and the information I permit you to use, so you can accurately target me individually.