Tag Archives forApp

Yes-or-No Riddles Repository


If you love yes-or-no riddles and are looking for new ones, or would like to also play online


Have an online repository (website and app) where anyone can add yes-or-no riddles, and anyone can browse new ones to solve. You can play online with others, or just read the solution and play with friends.

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September 2, 2016

How Did You Feel Today?


Before going to sleep check up on how you did today. Was it a happy day or were you drowned in negative emotions?


An app you can quickly use to record an emotion when you feel it. Just click on the right button.

Icon made by Freepik

August 31, 2016

How to Brainstorm Alone and Still Help From Others


Brainstorming is mostly seen as a group activity. Doing it alone is also very productive, often times more so. This will enable the best of both.


An app that everyone in the group uses. Each member has a given amount of time as decided in advance to brainstorm alone, writing and sketching his ideas in the app, each one as a separate “card”. When the time is up, all the members see all the cards. They go through them, and either vote on wich ones they like (probably on the last round), or just get new ideas from them. Then another round of private brainstorming follows. Do it until you all decide it’s enough.

Icons made by Freepik


August 29, 2016

Don’t Miss the Deals That Are All Around You All The Time


There is a disconnect between when you usually get exposed to ads and when you actually need them. You might read about a deal at work in you an email. Maybe get it in the post at home. When you need it might be on the way home a week from now, and by then you won’t remember what it was, where you put it or how to use it.


Use the smartphone or smart eyewear. It will show you what ads, deals and coupons you have around you. Point it in a direction and see all of them superimposed on the view (augmented reality). You can also scan the ads with the app and it will alert you when you are around the place advertising.

Icons made by Freepik


August 29, 2016

“We Need to Go in…” Family App


When you need to go somewhere on time (wedding, theater etc.), and you don’t want to nag the kids again and again.


Install the app on your and the kids’ phones. When you need to get going, maybe an hour before, you set up the nagging alert on your own phone. The app will start nagging the kids: “you’ll need to leave for the theater in an hour”, then “… in half an hour”, “… 15 minutes ” etc. The app will use visuals and sound (regardless of the sound settings on the kids’ phone.)

Icons made by Freepik


August 27, 2016