Tag Archives forApp

Central Repository of Highlights and Notes From Books


Wouldn’t it be interesting if we could look at other people’s notes and what they highlighted while reading a certain book?


Allow people to add their own notes to listed books (and add new books if they are not yet listed), and keep them in a central repository online. Everything should be indexed and searchable.

Icons made by Freepik


September 11, 2016

Find Out Which Movie Is It


You stumble upon a film playing on TV and there are no details.


Have an app that can listen to the film using the smartphone’s microphone and based on a large database identify the movie.

Icons made by Freepik


September 10, 2016

An Answer a Day. Can You Guess the Question?


A fun way to make you think.


An app that sends everyone one answer a day (the same one for everyone), and all players have to guess what the question might be. Every day a winner is announced.

Icons made by Baianat


September 9, 2016

Do You Want to Know When Your Bus Comes?


This way you can immerse yourself in whatever you want, reading listening to music etc.


A smartphone app that alerts you one minute before the bus arrives. When you arrive at the bus stop, open the app and choose the bus number you’re waiting for. Then relax and do what you want.

Icons made by Freepik


September 9, 2016

Help Find the Right Movie for You and Your Friends to Watch


You want to go to a movie together with a few friends, but it’s hard to find a movie that is acceptable to all.


An app the each one “trains” to know his own taste in movies. When you want to go watch a movie with friends who also have the app, you start the process on your smartphone by selecting a date and time frame, in specifying who are the friends who you would like to go with. The app then communicates with all the other app instances on your friend’s phones and optimizes the current offering to all of your tastes. Everyone will see a list of movies that should be ok with all of you and just clicks on the one they most want. The most voted movie “wins”.

Icons made by Freepik


September 6, 2016