Tag Archives forBest

Say, Where Would You Want to Work?


We see “best place to work” or “most wanted companies”, but most are lists coming from advertisers, or publishers with an interest in the results of these lists.


Have a website where anyone can just say: “I want to work for X company” – and vote for that company. Then show how many want to for each company.

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September 9, 2016

The Best Investors Club at Your Disposal


I would like to have all the great investor in “my club”. I would listen to what they say about the markets and decide who to follow on what trade.


Invite some of the great investors out there to form a private club. Members would pay to get into the club and have access to continuous information from these investors. The investors would give regular analysis and precise recommendations with explanations of when to trade, at what prices, when to sell and why they think this will work. Investors get paid based on the performance of their recommendations and how many took their advice.

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September 8, 2016

How to Build the Best Marketing Library


How would you know what books are right for you and what you do in the field of marketing? What are the main areas you need yo grow in and what are the secondary and tertiary books that you need to support your main area? Which are the best books in al of these?


A website dedicated to:
1. Bring you the best books in each area of marketing and on each subject and sub-area.
2. Help you see and decide what areas you need to explore and learn.
3. Give you the best unbiased recommendations on a particular book that are the best for what you need.

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September 6, 2016