Tag Archives forClient

Let Your Best Customers Raise Your Prices


You will get your prices going up, by an independent system. The buyers pushing your prices up will get the lower price they got before the rise for a period.


A system where you join and set your current price for your services. These should reflect your actual market price at that time. You now invite your best customers to vote your prices up based on their experience with you. This becomes your new price for all customers, except those who voted your price up – they still get their current rate for a period you decide on. This dynamically builds up your prices (and as a bonus is also a testimonial by your clients who vote), in an objective way, so new customers have a good reference as to why you charge the amounts you do, and current customers have the motive to help you. You control the amount of price hikes that can be voted, and also the frequency because you don’t want your prices to escalate into counterproductive heights.

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September 28, 2016

How to Make Sure You Have Only Customers on Your Communication List


The best list to have is of paying customers. This will make sure you have only customers on your main list.


  1. Find popular keywords people are looking for to solve a problem – either in your area of interest or an area you would like to enter.
  2. Research the subject thoroughly.
  3. Write a one page paper on the subject giving all the main points – anyone who reads this should save hours or days of work and still get all the good stuff.
  4. Sell to the same audience using these keywords online – for a low price.
    Some of these steps (or all of them) can be outsourced.
    The first one is the key – you have to start with what they are looking for (a solution for a problem) and give them an irresistible deal: the easy, short and very cheap way to know all they need about their problem. This is not necessarily the actual solution to their problem, but it’s the map to find the right one for them.

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September 10, 2016