Tag Archives forCTA

Make Sure You Always Give the Visitor an Easy Way to Act


Don’t let the visitor “work hard” to buy. Don’t be “in his way.”


All through your web page (sales page) don’t forget to ask “Have you made a decision already?” And give them a one-click way to buy.

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October 31, 2016

Repeating Call to Action


To grab their attention again and again.


When showing the visitor to your web page a call to action that is always visible (floating, attached to the top or bottom, etc.), don’t just “leave it there,” but change it over and over again. You can make it disappear and then reappear, change its shape, color, change its position, add a countdown, etc. The triggers can be time, scrolling, clicking, etc.

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October 25, 2016

Increase the Call to Action Conversion Rate – an Experiment


More conversions = more results (money.)


Ask for a simple and small help like answering a simple question. Now comes the important part: explicitly thanks them and tell them how much you appreciate their help. Later when they see the CTA, they will be more likely to so.

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October 24, 2016

Time Your Communication Based on Your Subscriber’s Consumption


You might already use auto email sequences to communicate with your subscriber. The way it’s being done is preprogrammed. You send the emails at a certain pace, regardless of when and if at all they read them. That is not optimal.


At the end of each email have a call to action asking them to help you with just one click, something like: “Did you find this email message useful or enjoyable? Help me by simply clicking YES or NO.” The click will tell you two things: 1. They finished reading it. 2. If they liked it. You can use both to dynamically trigger the next email and also decide which email to trigger based on their reply.

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October 22, 2016

You Want Me to Read Your Email? Do This First!


If you are even a little known (published a book, a business leader, write a popular blog, etc.), you probably get a lot of unsolicited emails. It would be good to have something in return for all the time you waste on those emails.


An email service that allows whitelisted people (your contact list) to send you an email just as they do today. Anyone else who sends you an email, before you receive it, gets an automated reply saying something like this (for instance if you just had your book published): “Hi. You are not on my white list, and since I receive a lot of emails from people I don’t know, I need to know this is beneficial for both of us. I ask anyone who wants my attention to do me a small favor and give me their attention first. I just published my new book, and it will help me if you take some time and help me promote it. Click on any of the following buttons to help me promote it. The more you help me by giving your attention to me and sharing on multiple platforms the more attention I can give your email. Thanks.” You can set a threshold for how much they need to do for their email to get to your inbox.

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September 28, 2016