Tag Archives forDaily

My Friends’ Daily Photos


You already have many friends online taking pictures and sharing them on multiple platforms. Getting a daily digest of them all would be good.


A service that connects to your friends’ photo feeds on all the platforms they share on, collects all the previous day’s photos, intelligently arranges them while also eliminating duplicates (and keeping the ones on the major platform they use), and presenting them as a digest. You can respond the each one you want, and it will be pushed to the right platform where they originated.

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October 4, 2016

Get Daily Help Motivating Yourself


Staying motivated is hard.


Get a daily motivational message. It can be a great quote, a short motivational story that takes only a couple of minutes to read, or a tried and tested technique. Collect the ones that helped you and use them from time to time.

Icons made by Freepik


October 2, 2016

These Are the Newest Patents That You Should Check Out


Every day many patents are granted, too many to read them all and find out which ones are interesting to you.


Publish a daily list of all patents that might be interesting in certain areas like mobile, AI, virtual reality, Iot, media, etc. Each one of published in the daily list has a detailed synopsis and possible use cases in plain English (with a link to the full patent.) You can subscribe to a daily list of one or more of these areas.

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October 1, 2016

Infographics That Help Tou Learn Something New


Infographics are fun and exciting, but they can also be a valuable teaching tool.


A website dedicated solely to infographics that teach you something. Allow anyone to publish these, and readers to subscribe to a daily dose of new ones in one or more areas of interest.

Icons made by Freepik


September 28, 2016

Get a Quote a Day


You like quotes. They inspire you. It ‘d be good to get a new one every day.


You sign up with your email address, select favorite personalities, and subjects, and receive one quote per day from them.

Icons made by Freepik


September 22, 2016