To record your decisions and learn from them.
Keep a journal of every decision(that might have a long lasting effect) you make. Write down the alternatives, which one you chose and why. Much later (months or years) go back and see which decisions were good ones, and which had no real significance in the long run.
Help them see it clearer and have more conversions.
At the beginning of the sales page, after the headline, show them a circle depicting the steps they need to take for them to make the best buying decision. The steps are the different sections of your sales page (like, features, benefits, testimonials, etc.), and you can link these parts to their corresponding page sections. This will make you seem more open and honest, can educate the buyer, will condition him to buy, and is in itself a pattern interrupt.
We all want to make the right decisions, but it’s hard for us to see systematically an overview of all our decisions, why we made them and how they fared.
A smart app that allows you to input structured data (it will guide you how) about the decision, before making the decision. When you know the result of the decision (was it the right decision), and if available the theory of why it had the result it did, you input that as well. After a time, and the more cases are in the app; it’ll use AI to discover patterns you can improve upon to make your decisions more likely be the right ones. The app can also use an extensive database of other users’ data to improve the analysis.
As a marketer trying to sell something, making people think ahead and then back gives them a new perspective that can help you both.
While visiting you website, at some point after they had time and already consumed at least the main points you want to convey about what you are selling, they are already dealing with a decision – to do what you ask them or not, to buy or not – you can ask the following question: “many years from now, when you look back, what would you regret more, saying yes now or saying no?” Measure the conversion rate when using this question and compare to the conversion rate when not using it.