Tag Archives forEcommerce

If You Liked This Book You Might Like That Book


As a starting point for discovering new books at the store.


Create a list of books that customers can browse at your retail store to find a book they already read. For each such book list suggestions for a new book they might want to read in the following format: if you liked this book because of X you might enjoy these books…” List potential books for each identifiable quality of the book they already read.

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January 1, 2017

How to Save Money Shopping Online


Shopping online has its own dynamics. A little help on how to save money might be needed.


A site, listing techniques for saving money with major online retailers.

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December 26, 2016

Use Online Visitor Data to Help Your Retail Store Sales


It stands to reason that what people are currently interested in when visiting your website, might predict what shoppers would also be interested in your brick and mortar store.


Get regular alerts on specific activities that show greater interest (or actual purchasing trends if you also have a web shop) and take those into constant consideration in your retail store: arrangements of products, special ad-hoc promotions, etc.

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December 19, 2016

Personalized E-commerce Store Structure


Each one of us has a preferred way of organizing things. When we go to an e-commerce (or brick and mortar) store, many times it’s arranged in a way that is not comfortable or intuitive for us.


Have a dynamically changing structure to the way the e-commerce store is presented to the visitor. Use both tracking data and direct input from the visitors to tailor the presentation and structure of products in the store.

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December 2, 2016