Tag Archives forFriend

Communicate Your Real Life Current Status


Are you at home and can I come over for a quick visit? Maybe you are busy. Let others’ know.


An app or a function in an existing social network like Facebook that lets you publish your status of your openness to surprise communication or a visit from your friends. Similar to instant messaging statuses, just for real life (you can call me, come over, busy, unavailable, etc.)

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October 13, 2016

How to Help Someone With …


You have a friend going through a bad period or experience (health, emotional, financial, etc.) How can you help them?


A website, app or even a book, with helping guides for many situations you might find yourself in with your friends and family.

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October 9, 2016

My Friends’ Daily Photos


You already have many friends online taking pictures and sharing them on multiple platforms. Getting a daily digest of them all would be good.


A service that connects to your friends’ photo feeds on all the platforms they share on, collects all the previous day’s photos, intelligently arranges them while also eliminating duplicates (and keeping the ones on the major platform they use), and presenting them as a digest. You can respond the each one you want, and it will be pushed to the right platform where they originated.

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October 4, 2016

Your Real Network at LinkedIn and Other Social Networks


You too, just like me, have first-degree connections you have made or accepted, that are not real friends or even acquaintances. It would be good if each connection could be qualified as “existing” (you true friends and acquaintances), or “potential”. Then we could see the network that is more useful to us.


Either use the social network’s API, or an even better solution would be if the social network provider built this functionality into their system.

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September 9, 2016

Organize Borrowing of Books for Family and Friends


Many already do it. You borrow a book recommended by a family member or friend. It might be useful to have a central and organized place for this.


Use existing platforms (like Facebook Groups) to create a closed private group. Invite your close friends and family members to join, and start recommending and lending books you read to each other. A special platform can also be built, with all the functionality to complement this activity (showing book details automatically, cheap shipping options etc.)

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September 5, 2016