Tag Archives forInteractive

Interactive Video Sales Letter


Why not make the process more personalized and deliver a better message to each type of audience.


Instead of having one video sales letter playing for everyone visiting the web page, have forking points that help qualify the type of visitor watching. Split the video into smaller segments with an option at each section of how to continue. The option is referred to at the end of each video segment, and the viewer needs to click on his choice to continue. For instance, if you break the video into three parts, and each forking point has two options, you need to have one video for the first segment, two more videos for the second segments that depend on the viewer’s choice, and four videos for the third segments, again depending on their choices. This is the maximum number of videos in such a situation, but there can be less if, for instance, the points discussed in some of the third segment versions are the same for many of the viewers regardless of their choice.

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December 15, 2016

Interactive Movie


Each viewer can have their storyline based on their decisions.


Create multiple forking points in the movie. When the viewer reaches such a point, the movie player will give him a choice of which direction to continue.

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November 13, 2016

Regular Broadcast Interviews With Business Leaders for School Kids


Young adults can gain a lot of inspiration and insight from business leaders.


A central website where schools can register for regularly broadcasted live interviews with business leaders like Marc Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, etc., including live Q&A segments. All shows are recorded and accessible for later reply.

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October 17, 2016

Live Interactive Testimonials


If successful it will engender a much higher trust.


If you have raving fans and customers that you can trust, ask them if they are willing to receive email communications from your new potential clients. For those who do, put their email address as a caption under their picture in the testimonial, like this: “Want more information from me about XYZ? Feel free to ask me at email@domain.com”.

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October 9, 2016

Make Your Real Book Interactive


You cannot click on a word in a real book to get more information like you can in an ebook reader.


By wearing an augmented reality device (like Google Glass) that can also visually track what you’re doing (like hand gestures), you can simulate the act of clicking on anything in a book and see more information about it projected on the page you are reading.

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September 30, 2016