Tag Archives forLimit

Dynamically Restrict What the Buyer Sees


More choice is attractive to customers, but at the same time reduces their conversion rate – more people see, but fewer people buy.


If you have an e-commerce business, show to each visitor only a limited choice of products (based on their previous behavior, demographics, etc.) Allow them to search or ask for more options, but only show them a limited list of products on the page (preferably no more than 6.)

Icons made by Freepik


October 28, 2016

Track Speeding Cars With Cams to Determine Intent


Sometimes you go over the speed limit for a short time, when overtaking another car for instance. It would be beneficial and just not to get a speeding ticket when this happens.


Use multiple traffic cams that measure multiple speeds over a certain length of the road, instead of only one. This would enable the discovery of true speeders as opposed to an occasional over the limit occurrence.

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October 3, 2016