The best list to have is of paying customers. This will make sure you have only customers on your main list.
We see “best place to work” or “most wanted companies”, but most are lists coming from advertisers, or publishers with an interest in the results of these lists.
Have a website where anyone can just say: “I want to work for X company” – and vote for that company. Then show how many want to for each company.
Unfortunately, publications today mostly don’t have to pay the price for publishing something wrong or false. The reasons are many but probably foremost is a lack of journalistic integrity and not checking up on information. It would be good to know what was wrong and who published it, so we can have some accountability.
Build a publication with volunteers who check up on published news items and articles that seem to be sloppy on the facts side. Publish the findings of those who failed the check up.
For the merchant, it’s a way to help the buyer design the space he is buying for, while choosing from their offered products. The buyer gets multiple smart designs for his space.
An app or website where you can input the measurements of the space you are trying to design, and get design suggestions complete with shopping list.