Tag Archives forMap

Who Is Exhibited Where


An interesting and useful way to plan you visit.


A map overlay at different zoom levels (country, city, area) that shows who is being exhibited and where.

Icons made by Freepik


November 9, 2016

Track the Usage Development of a Given Meme or a New Word


To find out when and how it was created and gained momentum, and see from multiple points of view its speed (chronological, geographical, generational, etc.)


Analyze online sources of data to find the first occurrence of a word or phrase and plot the spread and usage.

Icons made by Freepik


October 10, 2016

See Who Else Is Sailing in the Area Around You


It’s fin to see who are also sailing in your area.


An app that shows a map of your area with others (who are also using the app) showing their place on it. When you first launch the app, you will need to create a profile for yourself, and choose the size of area you are willing to share your location in (for safety reasons you might want not to share your sailing location with the whole world.)

Icons made by Freepik


September 30, 2016

Map of Scientific Discoveries


To get a picture of what each country is producing in science discoveries.


Overlay aggregate science discoveries data on a map to get a picture of which country is leading and in what areas. Also, add a dial for the time frame to see how things developed over time.

Icons made by Freepik


September 29, 2016