Tag Archives forMap

Where Do Your Interests Lie in the World Wide Web


Firstly see how your interests are connected to each other and how they relate to the vast interest cloud that exists on the world wide web. Secondly, get hints as to what other subject matter are closely related to your interests.


Map the world wide web based on subjects. See clusters of information out there and how they are connected. Than see your own interest map emphasized on the whole map. This will also show you other interests that are bordering your map of interests.

Icons made by Freepik


September 11, 2016

Past, Present and Future Long Term Map


When you are at a certain point in you life when you already have a past and still have a future.


A worksheet, notebook or an app. The main point is that the scale is years, for instance: last 5 years, this year, next 5 years. You fill the past at a year level with everything that was important to you from the past. Everything you think is important for you this year. Where you want to be (health, finance, family, education – anything you think is important to you) and what you want to do in future years.

Icons made by Freepik


September 11, 2016

Map of Influential Bloggers’ Presence Online


To see visually where these bloggers are publishing their writings and get a birds eye view of their network of influence.


Write a crawler that would scan the internet and map who publishes where. Using this constantly expanding database you could see a map of influence for a specific influencer: where is his main point of influence and what other publications is he using to enhance his footprint and influence.

Icons made by Freepik


September 5, 2016

Would You Like to Know of New Graffiti Near You?


If you are interested in graffiti and would like to follow new occurrences near you.


Crowdsourced photos of graffiti on a map (as an overlay.) Participants use their phone camera to upload geotagged photos of graffiti they see. You can also subscribe to alerts of new graffiti in your area.

Icons made by Freepik


September 2, 2016