Listening to music and reading the lyrics at the same time is a good way to learn and practice a new language.
It would be useful to have the option to click on any of the words and get an instant translation.
Discover new songs you might like.
Software that has a huge lyrics database and suggests new song based on the lyrics of the songs you like.
Find new books you might like to read.
Software that uses lyrics of songs you like to find books that might be of interest.
You are listening to some music and would like to see the sheet music for one or more of the instruments.
An app that displays the sheet music you choose in sync with the music.
When you buy music and listen to it, again and again, you will always hear the same one, without any variation. Live music at concerts is always a little different from the recorded version and also from live performance to live performance.
Have different versions recorded for each piece of music (in studio, live performances, both.) When you buy the music (for download or streaming) you get access to all the versions. You can choose which version to listen to at any given time, or let the software decide randomly or based on your previous behavior. A new digital format can also be created where you can break down the elements of the music so that the performer can record alternative elements for individual parts and they can be dynamically exchanged or added when you play the music.