Have a much wider variety of products and the convenience of shopping anytime during your flight at your leisure.
A service that allows you to shop using the in-flight media system. Just choose what you want, and it will either wait for you where you pick up your luggage or have it shipped to any address.
Many students have large loans and would like to pay it quickly.
A study course specifically for students, teaching them how to make extra money online spending only small amounts of time.
Selling on the phone is more effective, so why not combine it with online technology (especially for higher ticket items)?
A website with the technology that enables the sales person to help the buyer by controlling what is happening on the web page the buyer is on now (on the seller’s web site.) The sale will either start with a phone call to the buyer by the sales person, or a request by the buyer while on the web page. The sales rep will then continue in parallel on the phone and collaboratively on the web page, controlling and guiding the buyer in both mediums (if he is any good), enabled by the web site technology that allows him to change things on the fly on the web page the buyer is seeing (and only that page – anyone else browsing that oage sees the standard version.)
You need to write an important email. You know what you want to express, but it’s complicated and nuanced and multifaceted. Wouldn’t it be convenient if like in old times when many didn’t even know how to read and write, you could have someone do that for you cheaply and quickly?
On online service where you can get such a writer online immediately, talk with them to explain what you want expressed, facts, subtleties, feelings, etc., and have them write it for you and with you live online. No waiting, and fast results.
Case studies can help you learn important concepts.
Regularly publish verified case studies in many areas of marketing, branding, software development, etc.