You don’t leave your home and still you’ll get a live interior designer to view your home and help you in real time.
After choosing a designer you’ll arrange an online video tour of your house using your phone camera. He’ll talk with you while you show him around, then discuss some ideas. Those will be expanded to a detailed plan for you.
An interactive guide, leading and helping you define all aspects and dimensions for your brand.
An app that asks all the right questions, leading you along the right path. You will have to think, answer, write, research and analyze. All the way the app will help you with what steps need to be done, in what order (dependent on your choices and progress). It will help you with research (how and where to do it), tell you about the theory behind it, best practices etc. The result will be a complete cohesive brand definition and executable plan for implementation, and through the process, you’ll gain all the knowledge to back up you decisions.
You are thinking about starting a new business, or you want to try an ad campaign to a new segment or market. There are multiple ad platforms with multiple paradigms of how to define you ads’ target market. How can you find out if the target market is large enough, and if you can reach it easily and on what platform (Facebook, Google, Instagram etc.)?
An agency specializing in immediate online one on one target market analysis. An expert will help you – in real time – find answers to all these questions.
It would be very useful to immediately be able to highlight something you read, and have it in an online library with a link to the original document.
Have an iPhone extension (and comparable solution on Android phones) you can use when you read something and would like you can invoke when you selected a text in a document that has a URL. When invoked the extension should save the selected text with a link to the original document URL in your own online repository that you can access anytime on the web or with the app of the extension.