See how they become the finished garment.
Publish sewing patterns that can also be viewed in three dimensions to show you how they construct the final garment.
To gather data on all the advertisements you are exposed to over your life, and analyze and try to find useful patterns.
Software running in the background on all your devices, that saves every single ad you are exposed to online.
We all want to make the right decisions, but it’s hard for us to see systematically an overview of all our decisions, why we made them and how they fared.
A smart app that allows you to input structured data (it will guide you how) about the decision, before making the decision. When you know the result of the decision (was it the right decision), and if available the theory of why it had the result it did, you input that as well. After a time, and the more cases are in the app; it’ll use AI to discover patterns you can improve upon to make your decisions more likely be the right ones. The app can also use an extensive database of other users’ data to improve the analysis.
It might be interesting to see if there are any patterns or similarities in subject matter and style of pictures taken by people of similar age, and what these are.
An app that crawls the social networks and gathers pictures of users that have their age available publicly. The app then creates an ever growing wall of pictures segmented by age groups.
Discounts and incentives cost you both money and branding equity. You should only use them when it seems the visitor will not buy. You probably already use simple timed or exit intent triggers to do that, but these are crude behavioral indicators. Something smarter is needed.
First, observe enough visitors to your site and see the behavioral patterns of those who buy and those who don’t. Time their visit, but also “follow” them around. Where do they go with their mouse on the page? What do they click? Where do they hover for longer time periods, etc? All this can and is already done today, but we need to take this further – use the information to match future visitors behavior. If there are distinct patterns that can predict a purchase, you can then only show the incentives when visitors do not match these patterns. Even better, if a “non buyer” pattern also emerges, only show the incentives to visitors exhibiting such a pattern.