Tag Archives forPrize

Offer Prizes for Solving Problems


Many companies big and small don’t have and usually don’t need the in-house talent, knowledge, and resources to solve some of their problems.


A website where companies can publish the problem they need to solve, and a prize for the first person or team that solves the problem. Anyone alone or as a team can apply and try solving the problem for the award.

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October 1, 2016

The Mystery Brands Man


  1. A new way for brands to get exposure.
  2. A nice stable income for the brands man.


Build a video persona of someone who has an air of mystery. He smokes a pipe, talks in riddles, seems wise and at the same time whimsical.
He will do a video (series) about a brand. He’ll start with a puzzle. The first to solve it gets a prize (provided by the brand.) After a while (1 day, a week, etc.) he’ll do another appearance where he’ll try and help (again with a riddle), and so on until someone finds out who the brand is.
The first to find out gets a big prize. Anyone who tried participated in a raffle for other prizes. Anyone who shared commented, etc. also enters a raffle for more prizes. The more you participate, the more chance you have to win something.
Then he’ll do another series for a different brand, and so on.

Icons made by Freepik


September 21, 2016

A Ploy to Promote a Book, Encourage Reading It and Build a Relationship With the Reader


  1. Encourage the reader to buy and read the whole book.
  2. A promotion ploy to get the media’s and the reader’s attention.
  3. A new communication incentive for the reader.


Build a game around each chapter of the book. For instance, after reading the first chapter, the reader has to realize what is the most important word, sentence, concept, etc. in that chapter. He then has to communicate this (website, email, SMS, etc.) to you. If he is correct, he gets a bonus (an extra short story about the main character, a badge, a tip, etc.) If he is not correct or a bit off he’ll get some help to arrive at the right answer. Each chapter has a different game, and if they make it to the last one, they get a big bonus.
The objective is not to make it hard, but fun and rewarding, so they are motivated to continue and maybe also spread the word about it.

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September 14, 2016

A Platform for Creating and Awarding Prizes


To enable people with a similar interest and point of view, to create and award a prize.


Allow people to initiate a prize, discuss and lay down the rules, select the committee, and allow prize contributions to be gathered. Then they can open the award for nominations with a deadline. After the nomination deadline, they can open a voting period where anyone can vote. When nominations and votings have finished the award and prize is granted based on the committee’s decision, votes etc.

Icons made by Freepik


September 3, 2016