Tag Archives forprm

Buyer and Seller Intermediary Service


To accelerate buyers and seller finding each other and the right deal.


Both buyer and seller when going online and advertising or searching a product (their flat, car etc.) will specify not just one price, but 3 prices. The advertised price, the lowest price they might accept, and a price between these two representing what they really would consider an immediate deal price. The system (machine or human) will try and match buyer and seller based on these 3 parameters.

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September 10, 2016

“Comming Soon” Launch Campaign


Grab attention and stand out.


  1. Online ads leading to a page with content that changes with each step of a mystery or riddle.
  2. Offline ads that do not give the whole link but do give clues how to solve or find out the missing characters of the link.
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September 10, 2016

On Demand Human Created Articles for Personal Consumption


It would be nice to ask someone to prepare a short article on a subject you would like to read, wouldn’t it?! Let’s say you’re about to travel to a small town in Italy and would like to know a few interesting facts, what to see, some local stories etc. it would be nice if someone would prepare that exact article based on your specific request. Especially if it’s for a very small fee.


Have a team of offshore workers doing it. The more they do the bigger the “database” of online materials they “cut and paste” from grows and the easier it becomes to fulfill such orders (AI can help too.) The main point is not to be original, but to find the right content quickly and create the final document as requested by the customer.

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September 9, 2016

Publish Once and Automatically Syndicate Many Times


If you create content online you want it to reach the largest possible audience. One solution is to publish it on many platforms. First on your own blog, then as a guest on other publications like Huffington Post, Medium, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. Currently, you need to create copies of the original (and hopefully tag it so that Google doesn’t consider it duplicate content), which means there are many different unsynced copies.


Created a mechanism where the other places that are also publishing your article dynamically get it from your original source, with some added optional context (like explaining where it was originally published.) This will keep all copies in sync with your original one and guarantee your control over it. At the same time, it will be easier for the other publications to insert it anywhere they want.

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September 8, 2016

Public Voting in Museums


Let the visitors express their viewpoint.


Have a simple mechanism for visitors to vote for the art they like or dislike. It can be as simple as a button on the wall beside the art, or even a smartphone app.

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September 8, 2016