You read a lot of rumors and made up stories about celebrities. It would be interesting for a change, to get real life stories from people who actually had an experience with a celebrity.
A website that allows (after an editor approves it) anyone using their actual identity publish their experience with a celebrity.
Daily we read about strange, scary, surprising, painful, happy, situations, etc. people get into and what they did (or didn’t do.) What would you do in that situation?
A website where every day at least one such true story is published and visitors are invited to tell what they would have done if it would have happened to them, and why.
There are always things you want or need to do that are time-consuming but not necessarily attention heavy, like walking, running, cleaning your house, etc.
Publish ideas submitted by users, for doing useful or enjoyable (and hopefully both) things that are uniquely suited for doing in parallel in these situations.
Although anyone can self-publish today, and many do and make an excellent living doing so, the publishing side of it is very different than the writing side.
Create a publishing house that specializes in self-publishing authors. Instead of the two current options – do it all yourself or give it all to the publisher – this publishing house is in between these options. It cooperates with the author and shares the work and duties, contributing the unique expertise needed like marketing, editing, etc., and also shares the income generated by the cooperation.
To have one reliable source for top content in a particular niche.
Instead of creating original content by in-house writers, have many external excellent creators do it. It might have already been published on the author’s website, another platform, or directly submitted. In any case, a dedicated editor for the particular vertical has (after finding it and contacting the creator) been working with the author for it to be published in the specific vertical’s online publication. The article itself and not a link to it is published. Only chose the top content for each niche.