It’s all about credentials. But not the credentials someone else gives, but the credentials the editor gave. Most magazines write about someone or let them write for them because of outside credentials.
Publish a magazine where the only credential that counts is what the editor thinks. Only articles of personal judgment are published. The people profiled are chosen because the publisher and editor regard them highly, even if they are unknown to most of the world. It’s an entirely personal (but explained) point of view in each and every article published.
So people can find new interesting ones and also publish their inventions.
A website that lists and shows classical mechanical puzzles, and allows anyone to publish their inventions. You can also get help solving these puzzles.
Build a game around each chapter of the book. For instance, after reading the first chapter, the reader has to realize what is the most important word, sentence, concept, etc. in that chapter. He then has to communicate this (website, email, SMS, etc.) to you. If he is correct, he gets a bonus (an extra short story about the main character, a badge, a tip, etc.) If he is not correct or a bit off he’ll get some help to arrive at the right answer. Each chapter has a different game, and if they make it to the last one, they get a big bonus.
The objective is not to make it hard, but fun and rewarding, so they are motivated to continue and maybe also spread the word about it.
If you create content online you want it to reach the largest possible audience. One solution is to publish it on many platforms. First on your own blog, then as a guest on other publications like Huffington Post, Medium, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. Currently, you need to create copies of the original (and hopefully tag it so that Google doesn’t consider it duplicate content), which means there are many different unsynced copies.
Created a mechanism where the other places that are also publishing your article dynamically get it from your original source, with some added optional context (like explaining where it was originally published.) This will keep all copies in sync with your original one and guarantee your control over it. At the same time, it will be easier for the other publications to insert it anywhere they want.
Unfortunately, publications today mostly don’t have to pay the price for publishing something wrong or false. The reasons are many but probably foremost is a lack of journalistic integrity and not checking up on information. It would be good to know what was wrong and who published it, so we can have some accountability.
Build a publication with volunteers who check up on published news items and articles that seem to be sloppy on the facts side. Publish the findings of those who failed the check up.