Tag Archives forresearch

Interactive Brand Builder – Easily Go From Nothing to a Fully Defined Brand


An interactive guide, leading and helping you define all aspects and dimensions for your brand.


An app that asks all the right questions, leading you along the right path. You will have to think, answer, write, research and analyze. All the way the app will help you with what steps need to be done, in what order (dependent on your choices and progress). It will help you with research (how and where to do it), tell you about the theory behind it, best practices etc. The result will be a complete cohesive brand definition and executable plan for implementation, and through the process, you’ll gain all the knowledge to back up you decisions.

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September 5, 2016

Afraid You’ll Pick the Wrong Doctor?


When you look up a professional (a doctor or lawyer) on the web using search it takes a long time to find the references that can be trusted. You might get no references at all or many references and it would take you a long time going through them all to find the relevant quality ones.


Human curated information pages with all the best links about a particular professional you are researching.

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September 1, 2016

An Online Information Center for Self Improvement Without Humbug


Too many information sources, too much information, many of it contradictory. It’s hard to tell what is fact and science based, what research is well done, and how to judge the results.


Write in simple terms a factual but interesting articles explaining what is out there, does it have a sound base, are the conclusions trustworthy, what weight do they carry etc.

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September 1, 2016

Wouldn’t You Love to Find the Hidden Marketing Gems Out There?


Every minute there is a new marketing tactic that works, being used in a new way by someone. Wouldn’t you like it if someone was to keep an eye out for these and publish them?


Mix human-curated and algorithmic search with human analysis to find the best new ways marketers are using old and new tactics. Don’t publish everything, only the best ones. Charge a high fee for membership.

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August 30, 2016

Summary Books on Specific Subjects


Many subjects have vast amounts of books written about them. If you really want to get the picture you’ll need to read a lot of them.


Read all the relevant books, and summarize them in a single book. This book will give the readers all the main important information they need at a fraction of the expense of time and money.

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August 27, 2016