Attention and increased revenue.
Promote in-store book pairings by showing 2–3 books that go together. Either because if someone liked one they would probably like the others, or just as an interesting juxtaposition.
A fun way to increase attention and revenue.
Advertise a week for a type of food: chocolate, cookies, etc. During that week you will pair a particular specimen of the food product type with a product category at the store. For instance, if a chocolate week is going on, and it’s a bookstore, you might have dark chocolate for sale besides the wine books, chili flavored chocolate besides romantic novels, etc.
You would like your VIP treatment the way you like it when going shopping.
A system that senses when a VIP card carrying member enters your store. Immediately a rep is alerted not only to this fact, but they also see their picture, their past purchases, and most importantly, their treatment preferences (approach and “tail” them, stay away until they call for you but be alert, etc.) gleaned from speaking to them and observing them in the past.
If you are willing to give a discount, try this method for better a conversion rate.
When they visit your store (offline or online) immediately give them a coupon with a particular money value they can spend (you can have a minimum purchase amount set to use this coupon.) Now also inform them that if they buy today, you will give them the same amount again as a present when they pay, effectively doubling their bonus. Now they have what seems like two gifts, but only if they buy now.
It will help you convert more visitors to buyers and have a higher transaction value for such a buyer.
When they enter your shop, ask them if they want to get into a raffle where every day (or week) you randomly select one buyer and refund their entire purchase for that day. They only have to buy a very low-cost raffle ticket (max $1.) You can also decide to donate the revenue from selling the raffle tickets to charity and let them know this.
This little tactic will already convert them from a visitor to a buyer – they already spent money with you. This will now lurk in the back of their mind when browsing at your store: “buying more will get me a bigger jackpot if I win.” If you are giving the proceedings from the raffle tickets sales to charity (and don’t forget to let them know this), they will also feel good about themselves and be more likely to spend more money on themselves.