Tag Archives forSales

Selling on the Phone Techniques of The Experts


Pick and choose the best.


A table with each row belonging to a successful sales expert and the columns indicating what techniques exist and which ones they use. Each cell is a synopsis, and clicking on it will lead to a page with details on how each one is applying the technique.

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November 1, 2016

Make Sure You Always Give the Visitor an Easy Way to Act


Don’t let the visitor “work hard” to buy. Don’t be “in his way.”


All through your web page (sales page) don’t forget to ask “Have you made a decision already?” And give them a one-click way to buy.

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October 31, 2016

Send Them to Your Competition and Get Them to Buy From You


Winning their trust will convert them to buyers at a higher rate.


If what you’re selling has competition that is good, but has an apparent flow compared to you, try directing your visitor’s attention to these by listing them and linking to them. This will increase your position (because you are confident enough to show them the competition) and their trust in you, and at the same time, they will see for themselves what is missing with the competition compared to what you offer.

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October 7, 2016

Get Your Store Visitor to Approach You


It’s hard, awkward and many times doesn’t result in a positive outcome, when you approach a visitor to your store and ask if they need help.


When a visitor comes in, position yourself within his eyesight but too further away to have any comfortable verbal exchange. After a short while, while observing him try and catch their eyes and just – in a “by the way,” familiar and welcoming style – smile and wave at them as if welcoming back an acquaintance, then continue immediately doing what you were and not looking at them. It is very different than anything they usually experience in a store. It breaks the script they have in their mind of how things happen in a store, and if done correctly, will result in many more visitors coming to you and asking for help.

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October 5, 2016

Get Free Advice and Sell More


It will make the bond stronger, and they will give you important insight (and if you sell to them immediately after, you’ll get higher conversion rates.)


The primary technique is to ask for their advice on something. Asking for their advice (and not opinion or information) makes them cross over to your side. They are now your trusted advisor because they have committed to helping you. This can be done in a retail environment, website, email, etc. If they react you will gain insight from them, and you might want to make them a special offer after they reacted – they will be more open to it so your conversions should be higher.

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October 3, 2016