Tag Archives forService

Invention on Demand


You need a problem solved you cannot or don’t want to address in-house.


A service that creates the solution for you, from ideation, through validation and even prototype development.

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December 27, 2016

Get a Quick Massage While Getting Gas


Relax those muscles that get tense from driving.


A service at gas stations that offers a very short shoulder and neck massage while you’re waiting for your tank to be filled.

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December 23, 2016

Online “Real Estate” Registration


You just decided on the name of your new venture. Now you need to get a good URL representing it on all the leading online platforms.


A service that does all the manual labor of creating a new account and registering you chosen name (or something close to it in case it’s already been used) with all major online platforms: Facebook page, Twitter, etc.

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December 23, 2016

Outreach Agency


You want your writings to reach as many people on as many platforms and channels you can.


An agency that specializes in taking your writings (articles, blog posts), finding the right channels, and getting your content published.

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December 19, 2016

Non-Fiction Books Explained for Your Special Needs


You don’t have time to read a book and would like to know what it has to offer you and your particular situation.


A service that offers one-on-one sessions with experts who can explain and deliver all the important points of the book as they apply to your specific needs.

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December 18, 2016