Tag Archives forShare

Luxury Car Sharing


You want to have a luxury car but don’t want to pay a full price and don’t need it constantly.


A service that offers partial ownership of luxury cars. You have usage credits depending on your share in the car. You can reserve the car with or without a driver. The service maintains the car for a monthly fee paid by all owners; that is also based on their share in the car.

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December 18, 2016

Interesting Habits With Surprising Results


You would never know unless you learn from others’ experiences.


A website where anyone can share a habit they have, how they started it and why, and what were the surprising results. For instance: after drinking coffee for one week without any sugar, it tastes better and having it now with sugar is just not as good.

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December 14, 2016

Insights Message Board


Share your insights immediately. It serves as a journal for you, as a stimulus to others, and as a place for discussion.


Use existing software (a WordPress blog for instance) to create a place where anyone in the company (or any other organization) can write an insight they just had – immediately and without waiting for the next meeting or report. This helps you journal your insights, helps others by stimulating them, and is a place where this interaction between your insight and it’s stimulating effect on others can create interesting discussions that may lead to more insights and concrete actions.

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December 14, 2016

Lets Not Forget About…


Partners, couples, and other people close to each other share all kinds of things when they meet: stories, facts, gossip, etc. Many times you forget what you wanted to share by the time you meet.


An app where you can have a shared list that both of you can see and add to. When something pops into your mind that you would like to share, you just add to the list a new item by writing one or two words that would remind you what it was. Both of you can see and use the list before and also during the time you spend together next.

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December 4, 2016

Small Private Collections


Most people who collect never achieve a large or exceptionally valuable collection.


Have a website where people can show their private – even small – collection. Be it a collection of blue bottles, stamps, or art. The size or value does not matter. People can browse the pictures of their collections, and it can also function as a marketplace for buying and selling collections.

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November 7, 2016
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