Tag Archives forSmartphone

Know Your Cooking Time


You put something in the oven, set the timer and want to drink or have a smoke in the garden.


Oven timer that synchronizes with your smartphone app so you can see the remaining time until you need to go back to the oven, and also get an alert when time’s up.

Icons made by Freepik


January 5, 2017

One Click Online Actions From Offline Advertising


Enable the use of QR codes to perform actual online actions like liking a Facebook page, requesting a coupon, or even quickly ordering a product or service.


A two part solution. The first part is a text-based command protocol that can be embedded in any QR code containing the action to be taken. The second part is a special QR code app that understands these commands and uses the scanned command in conjunction with existing data on the smartphone (Facebook account, phone number, credit card, email address, etc.) to execute the command with one fast QR code scan.

Icons made by Freepik


December 23, 2016

Augmented Reality LinkedIn View


See all the connections you have around.


An app that overlays your LinkedIn connections on the real life camera view of the world. You just point the camera at a spot and see who of your connections is working in that direction (within a certain distance.) Move the camera around and see information about everyone who is around you. See their picture, name, and place of work. Click on them and get their profile and directions for getting there.

Icons made by Freepik


November 24, 2016

How Does the Ubiquity of Smartphones Changed the Uneducated vs the Educated?


It might help marketers to better target.


A study that measures the behavioral changes introduced by the cheap availability of smartphones for both educated and the uneducated people. As people spend more time using smartphones, what do they spend less time on, and what do they use their smartphones for?

Icons made by Freepik


October 23, 2016

Message the Irritating Driver Behind You


You know the situation: you have an irritating driver behind you, and you would like to let them know how you feel 😉


Have a string of LEDs connected to a motor and a controller, stuck of your back window (maybe with a suction cup), that you can activate from your phone by pushing one button (of a few you prepared in advance) with the right message. The motor will spin up quickly and show the message for a short while.

Icons made by Freepik


October 19, 2016
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