Tag Archives forSpecific

Get Updated on Specific Issues That Matter to You Regarding Important Events


There may be an event happening or going to happen that will have many repercussions in many areas of which one or more are important for you. For example, you might be an EU member country citizen living and working in the UK, and Brexit might change the way you can stay in the UK. It would be good if you get the right information – and only the right information – for you about this subject.


Have an online center, where such events are covered but not generally. Instead only cover subjects that are each separately relevant to large groups of people. This way the person interested will get all the good information about what is interesting to him without having to go through a lot of information to find what he’s looking for. Have him subscribe to the event’s subject(s) that interest him and he’ll get a periodic email with all the new information and analysis that are of interest to him.

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September 12, 2016

An Easy Way to Connect Appliances in Your Living Room or Home Theater


It’s hard and confusing to know how to connect all the cables of all the different appliances like DVD and Blue Ray players, Amplifier, Speakers, Cable box etc.


Input (or even better, take photos and have the app recognize the appliance) the names and models of all the appliances, and the app will give you a step by step plan specifically for your situation.

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September 12, 2016

On Demand Human Created Articles for Personal Consumption


It would be nice to ask someone to prepare a short article on a subject you would like to read, wouldn’t it?! Let’s say you’re about to travel to a small town in Italy and would like to know a few interesting facts, what to see, some local stories etc. it would be nice if someone would prepare that exact article based on your specific request. Especially if it’s for a very small fee.


Have a team of offshore workers doing it. The more they do the bigger the “database” of online materials they “cut and paste” from grows and the easier it becomes to fulfill such orders (AI can help too.) The main point is not to be original, but to find the right content quickly and create the final document as requested by the customer.

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September 9, 2016