You need or want a butler for a short period.
A marketplace for temporary (by the hour or day) butlers. On one side, anyone can offer your services as a butler at the times that are of convenience to you, and make some extra money. On the other side, anyone can request a butler for a short period anytime.
A game you can play by yourself anytime anywhere.
An app is running in the background. At random times during your active hours, it will alert you with a prompt to guess the time. You input the time you think it is, and it will show you how accurate you are. The more you play, the better you’ll get, and you can see your progress in the app.
You work on multiple projects (for multiple clients) on multiple browser tabs at the same time.
Time tracking app that lets you assign each browser window to a particular project. This way when you are multitasking (because you are waiting for something to complete on one browser while doing something in another), the app will automatically track all your work time on all projects simultaneously.
Too many meeting, taking too much time with little to show for.
An app used by all team members. The team leader designates one member who will lead the meeting and another who will be the supervisor. The leader will set the agenda, the maximum time for each item, and the maximum length of the meeting. Others can comment and suggest changes, but when all is decided the meeting leader will follow the agenda and the supervisor will keep everyone to the time limits. If an item is not finished within its given time, it can be continued – if there is still time – at the end of the meeting. If not a new meeting is set and the process starts again.
If you could see in one place all the attributes of all the major time management systems, it would be easier to find the right one for you.
Build a massive online “table” of sorts, categorizing and analyzing all facets of time management and how each system is faring in them.