Archive Monthly Archives: September 2016

A New Way to Use Reviews


This might be a better, faster and more accurate way to decide on what book to buy, movie to watch, etc.


Software that uses multiple sources of reviews analyzes them and creates a synopsized aggregated version of the best ones.

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September 27, 2016

Rip Off Report


To be aware of what is a rip-off and what is original.


Allow people to publish rip-offs (and who did the rip off) they find and show the original. This might help people stay away from rip-offs, show them and give credit to the original, and shame the one(s) doing the rip offs.

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September 27, 2016

Crowd Sourced Best Practices


Many times and in many different fields there are varying opinions as to how to do things. Let the crowds decide.


Allow users to suggest subjects they want to find out best practices about, like how much time to cook roast beef, what’s the best way to remove coffee stains, etc. Then allow others to write what they think are the best practices. Finally, let people vote what they think is the best practice.

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September 27, 2016

How to Cook a Recipe for a Particular Number of People


You are making a recipe for a different number of people than usual and need to know what changes to make in preparing and cooking it.


A calculator that lets you choose the recipe and the number of people you want to feed, and gives you the right preparations and cooking instructions for that many people.

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September 27, 2016

Free Agent Meta-Advisor


Sometimes you don’t know what you need to know, and if you go to an expert in a particular area, they’ll sell you what they have, and not necessarily what you need. For instance, you want to make an idea of yours into a product. If you go to a developer, he will sell you his development skills and services regardless if the idea is good or even has any demand for it. If you go to a marketing or business development consultant, he sells you his marketing services, regardless of the feasibility of building your product.


A free agent Meta-advisor. Someone who gets paid by you is not affiliated with anyone, and his sole job is to tell you who you need to listen or go to for what you need or want.

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September 27, 2016
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