Archive Monthly Archives: September 2016

What Dangerous Animals to Beware of Around You


You are traveling and have no real idea what animals you should beware of.


An app that uses your location to show you what animals you should beware of, how to behave when you chance upon one, and what to do if you get attacked or bitten.

Icons made by Freepik


September 28, 2016

Infographics That Help Tou Learn Something New


Infographics are fun and exciting, but they can also be a valuable teaching tool.


A website dedicated solely to infographics that teach you something. Allow anyone to publish these, and readers to subscribe to a daily dose of new ones in one or more areas of interest.

Icons made by Freepik


September 28, 2016

Self Referencing Book


Help you remember the what and who of a book that is complex or you continue reading after a long break.


Have an option in ebook readers to turn on a layer of hyperlinks. These should be available to link characters and events mentioned to their origin in the book, so you can click on such a link, and it will either take you to the source so you can catch up again, or pop up a window with the original text so you can take a look, close it, and continue reading.

Icons made by Freepik


September 28, 2016

A Never Ending Story


Technology today makes it very easy to continue and expand a story online.


Publish daily, weekly or monthly new chapters in a never-ending story. It’s similar to long-running TV series. You star the story, gather momentum by creating fans, and continue the story rolling until it “viewership” starts going down over a longer period. The. You can end it.

Icons made by Freepik


September 28, 2016

Simple? Guess What It is!


A fun game to discover interesting designs and artifacts.


Publish a daily photo or video of seemingly simple objects and let people guess (not public until the end of the day) what they are. At the end of the day, the people who guessed right are listed in chronological order. The first 30% of these get points. The leaderboard of best guesses is updated daily.

Icons made by Freepik


September 28, 2016
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