You would like them to take notice and do something about it.
A device that amplifies and the loud sounds they are producing and bounces it back at them.
It’s much better than a mechanical sound.
An alarm clock or app that allows you to record your loved one waking you up gently in her voice as the alarm sound.
Presented with two price options, customers tend to (mostly) choose the lower price. Introducing a third price option that is higher than the two previous ones will make most customers choose the upper option of the first two. How do you know how to price these option for optimal success?
A calculator (app or online), where you input the price you want most customers to choose, and will get in return two other prices, a lower one, and a higher one. These, when used properly, will influence most customers to choose the price you want (middle one.) You’ll also get ideas how to package the different price options for maximum effect.
You see a book that looks interesting, but you would like to read it in your mother tongue.
An app where you can scan the book’s barcode or take a photo of the cover, and you’ll get a list of all editions in all languages published and available. The app can also show you where you can get the version you are looking for online or offline where you are currently.
So that the new crown is an exact copy of the old tooth.
Before doing anything, when the tooth is still intact, scan it or take a mold and scan that. Based on the scan print a new tooth from the right materials to use as a crown by the dentist.