Tag Archives forApp

Know Exactly Which App Is Using Your Location on iPhones


You can see when an app is using your location by the small arrowhead on the top bar of your iPhone’s screen. It’s hard to know exactly which app or apps are accessing your location at any given time.


Have the arrowhead as a clickable object that when clicked, shows you which apps are currently accessing your location.

Icons made by Freepik


September 13, 2016

Help Recognize a Bird by the Way It Sounds


You are out in the garden, walking in the woods, and you hear a bird calling. Which kind of bird is it?


An app that listens to the sound the bird is making and identifies it from a large database of bird sounds.

Icons made by Freepik


September 12, 2016

Help Yourself Not Multi Task


It drains your energy and the quality of your work also suffers.


A small app is running in the background and monitoring your activity. When it detects signs that might indicate you are multi-tasking, it will alert you and give you options to make it “shut up” momentarily, or help it learn what you are doing is not multi-tasking. The objective is for you to have a reminder not to multi-task.

Icons made by Freepik


September 12, 2016

Help With How to Introspect Your Emotions


The two key questions of introspection are:
What do I feel?
Why do I feel it?
~ Ayn Rand


When you feel a strong (probably disturbing) emotion, open the app on your smartphone and answer these two questions presented to you. The app will store the time and your answers so you can always look back to learn more about yourself.

Icons made by Freepik


September 12, 2016

Help Me Be a Minimalist in My Life


You might want to have less.


An app where you set up what is the maximum number of items you want to have in your life. Then you list all the items you currently have. If there are more than what you deem as the right number, then you have to get rid of the extra ones. From that point on, any new item has to push out another one.

Icons made by Freepik


September 11, 2016
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