You don’t know what to do, who to call.
An app that based on your location and problem gives you the best practices, what to avoid and pay attention to, and who to call for help in your particular situation.
You want to create a sales script you can use on the phone in your field and need help.
A repository of the best phone sales scripts. These are contributed by experienced salespeople and are proven to work. Just find the ones that pertain to your field and use them as a starting point for your sales calls.
See what people think are the best lines from books. Inspiring and can get you to read more.
A platform where users can share their favorite lines from books they read.
Get a definitive guide to books on different subjects.
A book series. In each area publish a book of books. Each book has all the timeless classics on that subject listed. Each one with a short synopsis, a longer analysis on the main points of that book, and the reasons why it is such a timeless book.
See what are the recommended podcast by leaders in particular areas.
Survey leaders in a particular area (jazz musicians, psychologists, real estate investors, etc.) what are their favorite podcasts. Compile a top list based on the results and publish. Repeat in a new area.