You need to know your options now before guests arrive for dinner.
A text messaging based bot that can understand the context of wine and food pairing. You just write what you are going to have for dinner and optionally what wines you have at home, and you will get the wine recommendation for each course or the whole meal if you want to limit it to one wine. Optionally, if you have no wines at home, you can also get a list of shops around you that stock the recommended wines.
Email is an asynchronous communications system, but many use it as an instant messenger. If you are like me, you don’t check your email every five minutes. I check mine once or twice a day, sometimes even less. Many don’t know that, so it would be good to have something smart that can reply in the mean time. You could use an auto-reply “holiday” message, but it’s too impersonal.
Have a smart bot that can reply in a more personal way and alert you when needed. First, the bot will analyze your email use patterns to be able to predict your behavior: who is important to you, when, how often, for how long do you reply and write emails, etc. Then it will start sending automated responses when it’s appropriate and alerting you when it’s urgent. Some examples:
– It’s someone important that you usually reply to quickly, but it might be a while before you do this time. The bot will reply with an estimated time you will probably see the email, inform the sender that you will be alerted immediately because the matter seems important, and alert you to check the email ASAP.
– It’s someone you haven’t heard from in a long time (or never). The bot will reply explaining your way of using email and an estimate as to the time you will see the email.
– It’s an ongoing thread about scheduling an appointment. The bot will use your calendar to – if possible – reply with possible options.
– An automated email arrived regarding your flight tomorrow being cancelled. The bot will alert you immediately with the relevant information extracted from the email.
You would like to cook something and need help, something more than just browsing cookbooks and the internet.
Have an AI bot on any of the platforms (Facebook, iMessage, or even a separate app), that can take your inquiries, understand them and give you some advice or if needed ask more guiding questions. You might write: I would like to grill a chicken quickly in an Indian style. The bot would ask more questions until they can give you a recommendation, and even then you can continue with more requests for information, questions, etc., until you finish cooking.
Make use of your internal communications to generate content ideas.
Have a bot monitor your internal communications on Slack and similar systems, or even email. When the bot discovers something that seems to be important it will search the internet for information on it, how popular is the subject already, is there other favorite content on the topic and much more. Using all the internal and external information, it will give a detailed suggestion on what content should be created and also all the background researched for it.
If you publish articles and posts on your own, you want to enhance them with an image, a photo or an icon. It’s tedious and time-consuming to search for the right image with the right license.
Have a search engine that takes text or a URL of a web page, and based on that text find you the right images with the right license (probably some version of Creative Commons.)