You want to have a month full of massive marketing. Maybe it’s the company’s birthday, or you have opened a new store, etc. How to go about doing this?
A booklet covering one month of massive action. Extensive lists of ideas to pick from, offline and online marketing, how to create lots of content from a single source, how to use content from one promotion to create the next communication storm, best practices for each offline and online channel, etc.
You can’t decide and need to be talked out of or into buying or doing something.
A website where visitors can get a list of reasons. All users can write a good reason and add to the list of pro and contra of buying or doing something. You can also suggest new actions and products.
Get the most important things that are happening in various areas of interest (technology, medicine, games, marketing, etc.)
Weekly publication of a top list for various subjects. Each list has the top most important things that are happening in that area with a short synopsis and links to further reading.
Get a definitive guide to books on different subjects.
A book series. In each area publish a book of books. Each book has all the timeless classics on that subject listed. Each one with a short synopsis, a longer analysis on the main points of that book, and the reasons why it is such a timeless book.
Find the (constantly changing) thought leaders in a field you’re interested in.
Publish and continuously update a list of thought leaders in different fields, with some information as to why they are considered the thought leaders in their fields.
First step: measure interest