Tag Archives forList

Books You Should Read if You Want To …


A shortcut to the best books you must read if a field.


Have experts list books in different areas, from large ones like marketing to specific things like raising a child with X problem.

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September 22, 2016

Make You Own Rules List


As you live your life and get experience, you start noticing things about yourself. Things that are part of what you are. If others (friends, business partners, clients, etc.) could also know these interactions would be much better.


Keep a “My Rules” list, where you write every time you notice something about yourself that could be described to others as a rule.
It’s good for you to see these, and if you let others also know these (all or a partial list), it might help.

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September 21, 2016

An Exhaustive Collection of Definitions for Popular Terms


So you can decide which one is more appropriate for a given situation, and to give an as complete a view as possible of popular terms.


Collect an exhaustive list of definitions of popular terms and publish online.

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September 17, 2016

Email Marketing Live Testing Service


So you can test your email variations (subject lines, CTAs, etc.) on real people with similar demographics that are not on your list.


Aggregate people who are willing to receive test emails from a wide variety of demographics. The marketer can select a group from these people based on demographics and psychographics and do an A/B or multi-variant test of his emails to this group.

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September 17, 2016

Help Me Be a Minimalist in My Life


You might want to have less.


An app where you set up what is the maximum number of items you want to have in your life. Then you list all the items you currently have. If there are more than what you deem as the right number, then you have to get rid of the extra ones. From that point on, any new item has to push out another one.

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September 11, 2016