Tag Archives forMystery

Guess Who I Am Based on Where I Go


A mystery game between two friends.


You download the game app and invite someone else to join the game. All communication with them is done through our system, so they don’t know who you are. They get an invite explaining that you “the mystery friend” would like to play a game with them. The objective is for them to find out who you are. They can do that by joining the game. Every time you go somewhere, the app on your phone will ask you if you want to share that location with them (and when to do so – you might be with them at that moment and would like the info delayed.) If you do, they will receive a message with this new information. They have an X amount of time (you decide, maybe two days, maybe a week) when they receive information on your whereabouts, and until that deadline they can collect the information on you and try to figure out who you are. They can also ask for some clues from you, using the app messaging system. They have three tries to guess your identity. If they fail all 3 or the time runs out, your identity will be revealed.

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October 14, 2016

The Mystery Brands Man


  1. A new way for brands to get exposure.
  2. A nice stable income for the brands man.


Build a video persona of someone who has an air of mystery. He smokes a pipe, talks in riddles, seems wise and at the same time whimsical.
He will do a video (series) about a brand. He’ll start with a puzzle. The first to solve it gets a prize (provided by the brand.) After a while (1 day, a week, etc.) he’ll do another appearance where he’ll try and help (again with a riddle), and so on until someone finds out who the brand is.
The first to find out gets a big prize. Anyone who tried participated in a raffle for other prizes. Anyone who shared commented, etc. also enters a raffle for more prizes. The more you participate, the more chance you have to win something.
Then he’ll do another series for a different brand, and so on.

Icons made by Freepik


September 21, 2016

Paper Telephone Mystery Game


Have fun with your friends.


Have a website where you can initiate a game. It goes like this:
– Enter one sentence to start the story.
– Enter your friends email address.
– The system will send your friend the last sentence (yours) without disclosing who you are, but explaining the game.
– If he wants to participate he clicks on the link in the email and does the same first two steps as you did (write a sentence and an email address of his friend.)
– The game ends when the last person does not continue the game within a given time, one day for instance.
– when the game ends everyone who participated get an email with the whole story you creates together, as well as the list of participants.
Can also be done on other platforms like Facebook.

Icons made by Freepik


September 11, 2016

“Comming Soon” Launch Campaign


Grab attention and stand out.


  1. Online ads leading to a page with content that changes with each step of a mystery or riddle.
  2. Offline ads that do not give the whole link but do give clues how to solve or find out the missing characters of the link.
    Icons made by Freepik


September 10, 2016