To see visually where these bloggers are publishing their writings and get a birds eye view of their network of influence.
Write a crawler that would scan the internet and map who publishes where. Using this constantly expanding database you could see a map of influence for a specific influencer: where is his main point of influence and what other publications is he using to enhance his footprint and influence.
Complaining is not good for you. It would be nice if you had someone to remind you to stop when you’re complaining.
Have a smartphone app that monitors your speech patterns (intonation, pitch, words used etc.) When it detects you’re complaining it’ll alert you to stop.
We all procrastinate. It would be nice if you knew how much and how to create a positive outcome from it.
Instead of measuring the time you spend on tasks measure the time you spend procrastinating. You can use the same app. Every time you feel you’re putting things off just start the timer and record it as “I should have done X” in the app you’re using. That’s the hard part – being aware that it starts. After a while – give it at leas a week – look at the report. What are the types of tasks that you tend to procrastinate on when they come up? Can any of these be delegated? If so do it and you’ll be much more effective and feel much better about yourself.
It would be nice to use when you’re getting a wall tiled to be able to build in a speaker.
Build a wireless (Bluetooth, AirPlay) speaker in different tile sizes and thickness, so they can be tiled on your wall. Don’t forget to prepare electricity lines for each one.
You are surrounded by brands every minute of your day. When you find a brand that you like, that fits you and your lifestyle choices, don’t you want to know other brands that represent the same lifestyle in other areas of your life?
Build meta-brands that apart from being a brand themselves do not produce anything. They only curate other brands that fit the lifestyle representation of the meta-brand. You find the meta-brand either by itself or by finding one of its curated brands. In that case, the meta-brand will help you find other brands to your liking.