Tag Archives forRaffle

Get a Small Payment Commitment and Convert More Visitors to Buyers With Higher Transaction Values


It will help you convert more visitors to buyers and have a higher transaction value for such a buyer.


When they enter your shop, ask them if they want to get into a raffle where every day (or week) you randomly select one buyer and refund their entire purchase for that day. They only have to buy a very low-cost raffle ticket (max $1.) You can also decide to donate the revenue from selling the raffle tickets to charity and let them know this.
This little tactic will already convert them from a visitor to a buyer – they already spent money with you. This will now lurk in the back of their mind when browsing at your store: “buying more will get me a bigger jackpot if I win.” If you are giving the proceedings from the raffle tickets sales to charity (and don’t forget to let them know this), they will also feel good about themselves and be more likely to spend more money on themselves.

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October 8, 2016

The Mystery Brands Man


  1. A new way for brands to get exposure.
  2. A nice stable income for the brands man.


Build a video persona of someone who has an air of mystery. He smokes a pipe, talks in riddles, seems wise and at the same time whimsical.
He will do a video (series) about a brand. He’ll start with a puzzle. The first to solve it gets a prize (provided by the brand.) After a while (1 day, a week, etc.) he’ll do another appearance where he’ll try and help (again with a riddle), and so on until someone finds out who the brand is.
The first to find out gets a big prize. Anyone who tried participated in a raffle for other prizes. Anyone who shared commented, etc. also enters a raffle for more prizes. The more you participate, the more chance you have to win something.
Then he’ll do another series for a different brand, and so on.

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September 21, 2016

Scavenger Hunt Inside a Store


To engage the visitor and on the way offer him opportunities to buy, and make sure they have fun and leave with good memories. The last impression before they leave is the most important, so this will help them remember you fondly.


When he enters the store, give him a small card with a good headline selling the first step, something like “You already have a surprise waiting for you. Just find our blue shelf.” There he’ll find the next step, maybe “The surprise is in our best selling book. You have two tries to find it. It’s on this shelf.” Inside the book there is a coupon and further teaser instructions (like: “If you want more on this subject, we have another surprise, go to our games section and look for the clue.”) Don’t only use coupons and discounts, do a raffle, give them a chance to pre-order something, just give them a small gift etc. also tell them they can ask for help from your staff.

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September 18, 2016

Win a Meeting With Your Hero and Help His Favorite Charity Even if Your Not Rich


From time to time, there is an auction for a meeting or talk with a pubic figure. The problem with this auction model is, that only people with money can contribute and only they can win the auction.


Instead of one person donating a large sum, have people donate smaller amounts (or larger ones if they want), and instead of an auction, have a raffle and a winner. Each person donating has the same chance, and you get all of the donations for the charity.

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September 10, 2016