Tag Archives forRich

Use Price Comparison to Your Advantage


If you are selling products or services that the buyers can see the prices of (books for instance) easily, you need to have the right juxtaposition to make them seem a great buy.


Instead (or in addition) to showing them in the usual places (a book fair to continue the example above,) go to where your target audience is but where your products seem much cheaper compared to what is already exhibited there. So take the books that might appeal to wealthy people and show them at the yacht expo or luxury car exhibition. Compared to the prices of yachts and cars, even the most expensive book at full price seems like dirt cheap, and if you match the offerings to the target audience, you’ll get much more sales (then at a book fair.) Both people who can and might buy yachts, and those who can’t and just come to look, will have both a need to spend (especially if they can’t buy) and it’ll be a cheap price to pay for them to feel good.

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January 12, 2017

The Basic Models of Wealth Creation


See that only a few exist and compare them to each other to find the best for you.


A website that explains the basic wealth creation models and shows examples of each, what to watch out for in each, advantages and disadvantages of each, comparison table(s), good books about each, etc.

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December 27, 2016

How They Make Their Money Gossip


Did you ever wonder “how come he has so much money while seemingly doing nothing out of the ordinary?”


A gossip website where you can anonymously discuss other people’s seemingly sourceless wealth.

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December 27, 2016

The Multi-Level Millionaires Club


Get to know people in your wealth level from all around the globe, and get inspiration and help to get to the next level.


A private online (and offline) community, based on levels of wealth (net worth and monthly income.) The basic level is $1 million in net worth. Each next level is an order of magnitude larger (10X), so the next level is $10 million, the next one $100 million, etc. A member of the higher level has access to all lower levels. Also, a higher level member can be a patron to the next lower level member, if that member is very close to reaching his next level. This patronage offers some perks from the higher level and is a way to help and inspire lower level members to get to the next level. Separation between level is very strict, so a higher level member cannot disclose anything that goes on in his level to lower level members (with some exceptions for patronages.)

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November 19, 2016

Why Are the Rich Different?


Are they different? In what ways? Can this be learned? How?


A book distilling all the research done on the wealthy, their psychology, their methods, why and how are they different, etc.

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November 19, 2016