Use and old technique to get attention in today’s media.
When posting to social media like Facebook, use an image of an old newspaper boy holding a newspaper with today’s headline. The deadline for the post you are linking to.
You know you will not execute your idea, but maybe someone else will.
A website where anyone can publish their business idea, and anyone can use them to try and build these businesses. A licensing mechanism should also be provided, from free with no strings attached, to all types of paid licenses.
Get feedback, encouragement and inspire others.
A website and app where you can create a challenge like “read for one hour each day,” or “take a cold shower every morning.” Explain why you are challenging yourself to do this. Your personal reasons, and theory or science behind it, etc. During the challenge, you’ll update it regularly with your thoughts, pictures, videos, etc. Others can find and follow your and others’ challenges and give encouragement.
You read an article online and by the and you have an idea of what it was trying to say. But of you look at it again, all the main points and maybe also the logical sequences are buried inside a lot of text that at this time – after you understand it – is just in the way of seeing all the main points and their connections.
A browser extension that allows you to select and highlight multiple sections in the article (text and graphics), and then rearrange them on a layer “above” the article in a way that visually demonstrates the connections and logical build up of the main idea or ideas expressed in the article. You can then save this as a new web page to any cloud solution you use (like Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), share it, print it, etc.
Reading a book and seeing someone’s marginalia gives a whole new experience to reading the book.
Have a service that extracts your highlights and notes you make while reading ebooks. You can also input marginalia of real books you read. You then publish the feed to your marginalia and others can subscribe to it and see it on their ebook reader as they read the book. They can subscribe to marginalia from multiple people and see all of them while reading the book.