Tag Archives forShop

Take the Museum Shop Into the Exhibition


Why wait until the end, let the visitors pick up an item when they are most inspired to.


Place merchandise inside the exhibition right next to the exhibits themselves – the right items beside the right exhibits. This way the visitors can take a look, pick it up, and pay on their way out.

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November 6, 2016

What the Locals Buy


You are visiting a new place and would like to know what the locals buy at the grocery shop or restaurant.


Have the local shop, restaurant, etc. publish a list of items the locals like to buy. This will attract tourists to the local establishment that provide this and help tourists experience the real local feeling.

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November 4, 2016

Dynamic Neighborhood Shop


Have one shop that satisfies all your regular local shopping needs.


The shop would receive input from the neighborhood shoppers regarding what types of products (and the brands) they regularly buy and keep these in stock. These can range from groceries to clothes and toiletries. This will mean that the shop does not stock merchandise people don’t want, and people can do all their regular shopping in one local place. This will also reduce costs so pricing should be competitive.

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November 4, 2016

I Want to Spend X, What Should I Buy?


A different approach to selling. You give the customer a way to keep their budget and easily shop.


The customer specifies an amount they want to spend, and the software – based on their past purchases – give a list of recommended item. The customer can then fine tune this by specifying more information like “less serious” (books), “suitable for travel” (games), etc.

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October 25, 2016

Daily Brick and Mortar Flash Sale


Have buyers return daily. No inventory.


Every day the store offers many kinds of items. Each item is on sale for only that day or until it runs out during that day. The next day’s offering is entirely different and does not include any of last day’s offering.

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October 25, 2016